Cereal Entrepreneurs: Pitfalls to Avoid when Selling a Business
Wednesday, 25th September 2024, 8.00AM
Having worked hard to build your successful business over a number of years, it’s important that you approach an exit or sale of your business in a way that sets you up to achieve the best outcome possible.
Equally, as a business owner, you don’t want to fall at the final hurdle when it comes to selling your business. Not least because the sale of a business can often be a once in a lifetime event; and so, it’s important that you are able to make the most of any opportunity by avoiding unsuspected perils.
For the September edition of our Cereal Entrepreneurs event series, our club member and experienced professional adviser, Simon Wilson, will be discussing how to successfully exit a business; as well as outlining his top 5 pitfalls to avoid when approaching a sale of your business.
Simon is experienced in advising on and implementing business sales, mergers, acquisitions and management buy-outs. As a qualified Solicitor and Corporate Partner with 20+ years of legal practice experience, Simon is used to helping successful owner managed businesses realise their ambitions and achieve lucrative exits.
8.00am Arrival
8.15am Workshop begins
9.15am Breakfast begins
9.30am Finish
Members can RSVP on the members’ portal.